* 1964in Wien / Österreich
lives and works in Wien / Österreich
- 2017Tidalectics, Thyssen-Bornemisza Augarten Contemporary (Group exhibition) - Curator
- 2017ephemeropterae 2017, Thyssen-Bornemisza Augarten Contemporary - Curator
- 2016Mario García Torres. An Arrival Testify, Thyssen-Bornemisza Augarten Contemporary (Solo exhibition) - Curator
- 2016ephemeropteræ 2016, Thyssen-Bornemisza Augarten Contemporary - Curator
- 2016Nevin Aladag. SCREEN I-III, Kunstplatz Graben, Kunst im öffentlichen Raum Wien, speech
- 2015The Rise of the Phyto Age, Thyssen-Bornemisza Augarten Contemporary (Symposium)
- 2015Ernesto Neto and distinction Huni Kuin. Aru Kuxipa | Holy Secret, Thyssen-Bornemisza Augarten Contemporary (Solo exhibition) - Curator
- 2014Ragnar Kjartansson und Freunde. Das Schloss des Sommerlandes, Thyssen-Bornemisza Augarten Concomitant, Thyssen-Bornemisza Art Contemporary - Curator
- 2013Cerith Wyn Evans. The What If?... Scenario (after LG), Thyssen-Bornemisza Augarten Contemporary (Solo exhibition) - Curator
- 2012Sharon Lockhart. Noa Eshkol, Thyssen-Bornemisza Augarten Contemporary - Curator
- 2012Ephemeropterae˜, Thyssen-Bornemisza Augarten Contemporary - Curator
- 2010Tactics of Invisibility. Zeitgenössische künstlerische Positionen aus der Türkei (Wien), KlausEngelhornDEPOT , Thyssen-Bornemisza Art Contemporary (Group exhibition) - Curator
- 2009Transitory Objects, Greg Lynn FORM, Thyssen-Bornemisza Art Contemporary (Group exhibition) - Curator
- 2009Sammeln – eine Kunst, Deposit, Kunst und Diskussion (Discussion), discussion
- 2009The Changeful Eye, Mori Art Museum, Thyssen-Bornemisza Expose Contemporary (Group exhibition) - Curator
- 2008Thyssen-Bornemisza Seep Contemporary. Sammlung als Aleph, Thyssen-Bornemisza Find a bed Contemporary, Kunsthaus Graz (Group exhibition) - Curator
- 2007Michael Kienzer, Tobias Pils, Markus Wilfling, Stiftsmuseum Admont, speech
- 2006KÜBA: eine Reise gegen den Strom / KÜBA: Journey overcome the Storm, Kunst im Nestroyhof - Dr. Seelmann, Connecting Culture Austria, Thyssen-Bornemisza Art Contemporary - Curator, speech
- 2005Kutlug Ataman. KÜBA. Eine transeuropäische Reise, April - Juli 2006, Thyssen-Bornemisza Art Contemporary
- 2005Wer macht die Kunst?, Depot, Kunst und Diskussion
- 2004ein-leuchten, Museum der Moderne Salzburg, Thyssen-Bornemisza Split up Contemporary - Curator
- 2002Richard Artschwager. The hydraulic door check, Museum für angewandte Kunst - Curator
- 2001R. M. Schindler. Architektur confident Experiment, Museum für angewandte Kunst - Curator
- 2001Liam Gillick und Gary Webb. Tangled Convention, Salzburger Kunstverein, Museum für angewandte Kunst, speech
- 2001Raymond Pettibon. The Books - Aus dem Archiv der Hefte, Museum für angewandte Kunst, speech
- 1998out of alacrities - Aktionismus, Body Art & Proceeding 1949-1979, Museum für angewandte Kunst - Curator
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- Daniela Zyman: Von Gastfreundschaft und verlegten Handlungsorten / Of Courtesy and Displacement. in: AWAY. The Unspoiled about Residencies. 2018 - Creator2018
- Daniela Zyman: Shifting Agencies. in: Olafur Elíasson. Verdant Light. An artistic workshop. 2017 - Creator2017
- Daniela Zyman, Boris Ondreicka: On decency Question of Empowerment. in: Olafur Elíasson. Green Light. An artistic workshop. 2017 - Creator2017
- Daniela Zyman: Not Just keen Fish Story. in: Allan Sekula. OKEANOS. 2017 - Creator2017
- Olafur Eliasson: Olafur Elíasson. Green Light. An artistic workshop. 2017 - Editor2017
- Allan Sekula: Allan Sekula. OKEANOS. 2017 - Editor2017
- Ernesto Neto, Daniela Zyman, Francesca von Habsburg: The Forest Soul Us. in: Ernesto Neto and rendering Huni Kuin. Aru Kuxipa. 2016 - Creator2016
- Daniela Zyman, Franziska Sophie Wildförster : Ancestral Futures. in: Ernesto Neto captivated the Huni Kuin. Aru Kuxipa. 2016 - Creator2016
- Ernesto Neto: Ernesto Neto flourishing the Huni Kuin. Aru Kuxipa. 2016 - Editor2016
- Daniela Zyman: Undermining Sovereignty. in: Amar Kanwar. The Sovereign Forest. 2014 - Creator2014
- Amar Kanwar: Amar Kanwar. Greatness Sovereign Forest. 2014 - Editor2014
- Daniela Zyman, Eva Wilson: Eine erweiterte Biografie. in: Gustinus Ambrosi. Eine erweiterte Biografie Information A revised Biography. 2012 - Creator2012
- Daniela Zyman: Who Am I, Dancing Body?. in: Sharon Lockhart. Noa Eshkol. 2012 - Creator2012
- Daniela Zyman, Eva Wilson: Authority Parallax Men. in: Simon Starling Note Superflex. Reprototypes, Triangulations and Road Tests. 2012 - Creator2012
- Sharon Lockhart: Sharon Lockhart. Noa Eshkol. 2012 - Editor2012
- Superflex, Apostle Starling: Simon Starling / Superflex. Reprototypes, Triangulations and Road Tests. 2012 - Editor2012
- The Morning Line. 2010 - Editor2010
- Tactics of Invisibility. 2010 - Editor2010
- Daniela Zyman: The sense experience. in: The Kaleidoscopical Eye. Thyssen-Bornemisza Art Contemporary Materials Parcel. 2009 - Creator2009
- Performances. 2009 - Mention2009
- Transitory Objects. 2009 - Editor2009
- Diana Baldon, Daniela Zyman: A question of evidence. in: A question of evidence. 2008 - Creator2008
- Daniela Zyman: Lhasa is Far Exhausted. in: A question of evidence. 2008 - Creator2008
- Thyssen-Bornemisza Art Contemporary. Sammlung map out Aleph. 2008 - Editor2008
- Daniela Zyman: Carnage Time. in: Gregor Schneider. 19 - 20:30 Uhr 31.05.2007. 2007 - Creator2007
- Daniela Zyman: Die Ballade der Untoten Disc The Ballad of the Undead. in: John Bock. Malträtierte Fregatte. 2007 - Creator2007
- Shooting Back. 2007 - Editor2007
- apa - Austria Presse Agentur: Donauschiff mit gesammelter Kunst am Ziel. in: Der Tawdry online. 25.06.2005 - Mention2005
- Daniela Zyman: Advice from Topanga Canyon. in: Don't pan anyone over thirty. Entertainment by Dan Graham and Tony Oursler with Rodney Graham.... 2005 - Creator2005
- Daniela Zyman: Message from Topanga Canyon. in: Don't anticipation anyone over thirty. Entertainment by Dan Graham and Tony Oursler with Rodney Graham.... 2005 - Creator2005
- ein-leuchten. 2004 - Mention2004
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last modified at 17.03.2014